Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I'm going to make this post short, because I have two DVRs working hard at my house right now, and I have lots of shows to watch! (Don't forget to tell me what you're watching this week to enter to win my weekly contest!).

I was thinking yesterday that one of the things that helps me stay positive on daily basis are my connections to other people, and the way technology plays such a part in this. There's the way Twitter and Facebook and Blogging connect me with virtual strangers and readers and bloggers old friends, and the way e-mail keeps me in contact with other writers and friends with whom I share good and bad news, writing and life ups and downs and receive nearly instant feedback. There's my phone which keeps me connected to my parents and sister who live across the country, and Skype which I often use to see my family, and sometimes even connect to readers. You would be hard pressed to find me without my Droid in my hand, at any point during the day. These connections, though, help me stay positive on every level. They're encouragement and relief and feeling like I'm in a community of writers (even if it is virtual). I'm not quite sure what I would do if I couldn't quickly e-mail a friend or call my mom when I need reassurance.

What got me thinking about this was a portion of a book I'm working on now, which takes place in the 1930s, and as I took on the life of my character for a little bit yesterday -- who was admittedly depressed and feeling negative -- I really wished she could e-mail a friend, or throw a Tweet out into the universe and get an answer that would make her laugh in return. Or, for goodness sakes, if I could just hand her a cell phone so she could call an old friend, who I knew would make her feel better. I can't, of course, and it's been interesting living vicariously this way, thinking about the way connections and relationships were so different 80 years ago. I wonder, was it easier to stay positive without the constant technological connections, or was it harder? For me, I know it would be harder.

How do you feel about connections in your life? Are you a technology addict like me? Do you think connections help you feel more positive, or do you feel better when you get a break?


  1. Are you serious? My work-in-progress is based in the 1930s too! (Only I bet my setting is different than yours -- the Soviet Union). AND my heroine is feeling a little DARK right now herself. I'm afraid even if I threw my heroine a cell phone it wouldn't do her much good. If she shared her thoughts with someone, the stuff would be tracked by the authorities and get her arrested :)

  2. Ooh, that sounds interesting! I imagine that actually would be really depressing, not to be able to share your thoughts with *anyone*.

  3. i love being able to connect with my friends often. i usually use facebook and regular e-mails. i remember the days of having pen pals and sometimes miss getting a real letter in the mail. that was always fun.
    on shabbat and holidays, i don't get to connect online. thankfully, there are a lot of people in my community with whom to connect in person. i never feel isolated.

  4. Real letters were fun! But I like the instantaneousness (if that's a word!) of e-mails!

  5. After finally breaking most of my addiction to Facebook and Twitter, I find that I actually feel most positive and free on days when I don't even turn my laptop on. One of my favorite things to do is go walking to the park for a couple hours, without taking my cellphone. I think 80 years of technology gives us as many distractions as advantages.

  6. True -- when my Droid died just before a trip a few months ago, I found myself without phone, email, Twitter, etc. for a few days. It was actually lovely and perfect for "vacation mode." But on a day to day basis I am definitely a technology addict!
